Travels to see Kasim

This is my online diary of my trips to see Kasim.
I'm really writing this diary for (a) myself and (b) my friends but I know that other people will hit it too so feel free to browse around! Just remember that this is the way that I choose to live part of my life - I don't make judgements on the way your live your life so kindly show me the same respect.

Click the envelope icon to have the posts sent to your e-mail account.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Warwick Castle tickets sold!

My 2 Warwick Castle tickets went for a total of £142 yesterday after 14 bids! (Yesterday morning they were still on my opening price of £101.) I've written to the person and asked if he wants the third ticket too (at face value), if he doesn't then I'll offer it to the person who came second. Even if I don't sell it, I've still covered my costs of buying the 3 with selling these 2 so I'm happy.