Travels to see Kasim

This is my online diary of my trips to see Kasim.
I'm really writing this diary for (a) myself and (b) my friends but I know that other people will hit it too so feel free to browse around! Just remember that this is the way that I choose to live part of my life - I don't make judgements on the way your live your life so kindly show me the same respect.

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Sunday, June 05, 2005

The long drag to Bonn

I set my alarm for 9.00am and had the included continental breakfast before I checked out at 10.30am (585 kroners = £50). It’s probably really pretty here but on another overcast day, there wasn’t much to look at!

I then set off the long drag back down to Bonn (past Hannover). This was a very long drive in a very uncomfortable car! It rained almost all the way, there was one pile-up which slowed me up and often the autobahn would go from 3 lanes to 2 which always created a hold-up! I tried to stick at 85mph most of the way but a lot of the time I couldn’t (there is no speed limit on Autobahns in Germany and loads of cars do over 100mph!). I did see one great road sign in Denmark – “fart kontrol”!

I stopped every couple of hours to ease my right foot and to get some fresh air. I was staying tonight with a friend near Bonn but his directions told me to leave the A1 on the 565 but I couldn’t see it anywhere! Eventually I guessed that he meant the 553 but I had passed that so I turned around and took that exit but from that direction I had to turn right at the exit and couldn’t find my way onto the right road. I asked for directions twice and then gave up and rang my friend and he came and picked me up from a MacDonald’s car park! I got to his house at 10.00pm after driving for eleven and a half hours so I was shattered!

We sat and chatted for quite a while and then I got to bed at 12.30am.

Mileage today: 643 miles
Tour total –1,458 miles