Travels to see Kasim

This is my online diary of my trips to see Kasim.
I'm really writing this diary for (a) myself and (b) my friends but I know that other people will hit it too so feel free to browse around! Just remember that this is the way that I choose to live part of my life - I don't make judgements on the way your live your life so kindly show me the same respect.

Click the envelope icon to have the posts sent to your e-mail account.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I'm back!!

I'm back!!
Well this isn't really any update about travelling to see Kasim but just to let all my friends who read this know that I've received my laptop back today THANK GOODNESS!!!
It was such a struggle having to use my very old computer that in the end I just didn't bother going online! It would only connect at 24K and on Sunday when I did do some work online it crashed over 20 times! Thank goodness I'm back to 21st century technology!
The sad news is that we were told this week that Tony only has 2 months left to live as the cancer has spread to his liver and lungs. He's still in hospital and has had a couple of operations in the past week to ease the fluid build-up in his body but they can't treat the cancer at all. I just hope they make his last days more comfortable as he's had such a rough few months. At least they seem to be managing his pain at the moment.
Please give me some time and I'll catch up on my e-mails over the next few days as I have hundreds to download!! On the plus side had over 1,000 page hits each day which shows how popular Kasim is even when he's not touring!! (It's also not bad for a pure website with no messageboard.)