Travels to see Kasim

This is my online diary of my trips to see Kasim.
I'm really writing this diary for (a) myself and (b) my friends but I know that other people will hit it too so feel free to browse around! Just remember that this is the way that I choose to live part of my life - I don't make judgements on the way your live your life so kindly show me the same respect.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Relaxing in Orange County

We'd decided to lie-in but amazingly we laid in until 10.00am!
We had a lovely relaxing day, mainly chatting a lot! In the afternoon we drove out to some of the beaches nearby and saw some multi-million dollar houses. Some of them were on a small man-made island that were realy small but still cost that amount! (One house was $75m!!) We caught a little ferry across that could only fit 3 cars on it!
In the evening we went out for a lovely meal and then sat around chatting until 1.30am! I didn't realise how much I needed a relaxing day.